
Please find below more information regarding Computing at Orchard Grove Primary School

Computing skills and knowledge are developed across the whole curriculum. From the very youngest age, children become familiar with technology and develop their computational thinking through play.

In the EYFS there is an introduction to computing through a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) focus. Children are given opportunities to use technology through classroom learning e.g. Interactive white board interactions; having access to bee-bots and opportunities to program them; following algorithms as instructions e.g. following recipes; gaining recognition of different technology open to them and the children making decisions around the type of technology to access to get the information they need.

In KS1 and KS2, computing sessions are taught in blocks:

  • Communication & Using Technology

  • Simulation & Modelling

  • Film & Animation

  • Coding

Every year group explores every block of learning each year, building upon their skills and knowledge. Online safety is taught explicitly and discretely within every block. Please follow this link for Mr Healey’s parent/carer online safety workshop:

Safer Internet Week 2021 - YouTube which provides a clear overview of how we keep children safe online at Orchard Grove as well as giving useful tips to help keep children safe online at home.