Curriculum Overview


Our curriculum challenges and supports all children to reach their full potential in all subjects. We develop their strengths and support them to progress in areas that they find challenging.

Foundations of Learning

At Orchard Grove, we believe in creating strong foundations of knowledge and skills for all of our children, allowing them to build on their learning. We track the performance of all, enabling us to challenge lack of progress and support when needed, closing gaps in attainment.

We are passionate about how we approach this and use everything from drama, music and art to immerse children into everything they do. Making links and connections between areas of learning, developing new skills to a mastery level is an integral part of the National Curriculum.

Using our engaging Orchard Grove curriculum, we are able to support each child to discover and develop their interests and talents. Through regular communication we are able to work with our parents and carers to assist children both at home and at school.

Our staff work in curriculum teams to plan the sequence of learning and to ensure that our curriculum is broad and balanced, and that regular links are made between areas of learning; we know that this is how children learn best and retain that knowledge.

Our curriculum evolves each year to suit the needs of our children, and although topics may start with a similar stimulus, we are more than happy for our children to work with their teachers to direct where their learning journeys take them.

To find out more about the curriculum our school is following please contact the school office or speak to your child’s class teacher.

Enrichment and Extra Curricular Activities

Enrichment is a feature of the Trust and a huge range of enrichment programmes are available to bring the subject to life and to foster a love and thirst for learning. 
At Orchard Grove Primary School, enrichment will be a feature as it is at all the Trust schools. Music, dance, drama, art and design will feature prominently alongside sports, science, reading, environment and sustainability. Trips and expeditions will be a feature and support resilience so that children regularly overcome obstacles or are challenging their mind-set and changing their beliefs about what they can and can’t do. Children will not say, “I can’t”, but “I can’t yet - what do I need to do differently or learn so that I can?”