Home Learning

Homework is set in every class and plays an important part in the learning process. We do not set homework for the sake of it, believing that it must be purposeful and help to consolidate children’s learning.

Homework Overview

Homework is the consolidation and /or extension of learning, as well as enrichment opportunities outside the classroom so as to broaden children’s understanding.

Such work is valuable to children in that it helps to develop independent learning, as well as personal work disciplines, such as time management and planning to meet deadlines.

We set homework for all children, irrespective of their ability. However, the amount and frequency with which this is set is balanced with other important features of a healthy life, such as physical exercise, membership of clubs and other out of school activities.

Year Group Homework

Please click here where you can find Termly Class Newsletters with specific information regarding Year Group Homework.

Remote Learning during a full or partial school closure

In this situation, the core elements of our provision will be as follows:

  • Children will largely follow their normal class timetable each day.

  • Lessons will ‘mirror’ the work that would have been taught had the lesson taken place in school and it should be clear to the child how the work fits into the sequence of learning.

  • Teachers will use their professional judgement as to how much of the lesson ought to be given over to review and consolidate and how much to the introduction of new content.

  • Appropriate teacher explanations will support new learning.

  • Work will be set for students through DB Primary (with supporting materials provided via this website, or email).

  • Weekly ‘catch-up’ phone calls will be offered to children and their parents.

  • Whole school events, such as assemblies, will be recorded and shared where possible.

Support for children with little or no access to online remote learning

We are keen to ensure equal access to our remote learning provision for all children and will provide support wherever possible in line with their particular situation.  This may include loans of IT hardware, help to access the internet, and provision of paper-based materials where required. 

Children will also be given various opportunities to submit their work to their teachers, and will not be restricted to a single method.

Homework Links