Concerns or Complaints

We place a high value on our partnerships with parents and the wider community. Where issues arise, or where there are concerns, we are keen to resolve these as quickly and positively as possible

The school has a wide range of staff available to help students, or their parents and carers, with any issues or concerns that might arise

Class Teachers

Your child's class teacher should be contacted in the first instance. They can help you with routine issues or concerns about your child’s learning and progress.  To get in touch with one of them please email the School at or telephone 01823 711014.

Senior Staff

The Senior Leadership Team and Headteacher should be contacted for issues not resolved satisfactorily after all other channels have been followed.

To get in touch with one of them, please email the School at or telephone 01823 711014to request an appointment, giving at least 24 hours notice.

Complaints Policy

If you wish to make a formal complaint to the school you can access our Complaints Policy here.