
Please find below more information regarding Geography at Orchard Grove Primary School

Through our knowledge-rich curriculum, the children learn about diverse places, people, resources and human and natural environments e.g. their local area of Taunton, coasts, jungles, etc.

We help our children to understand the complexity of the physical world, the process of change, the diversity of societies, relationships between human and physical processes, how we impact the world and the impact the world has on us.

Through this we hope they will gain an underlying respect for the human and natural world and a sense of awe and social responsibility towards it. Linked to this, our Attenbough house (named after David Attenbough), is a cornerstone of our house system at Orchard Grove. The children learn about climate change activism and conservation work and are actively given opportunities to engage in this during their time at Orchard Grove, e.g. through forest school, trips and visitors linked to particular topics, important dates in the calendar celebrated (Jane Goodall on International Women’s day), our daily recycling, assemblies, etc.