
Please find below more information regarding Mathematics at Orchard Grove Primary School

At Orchard Grove, we are continuously striving towards teaching for mastery in mathematics. There is a focus on the 3 over-arching aims of the National Curriculum: fluency (secure it), reasoning (twist it) and problem solving (deepen it), while also considering the Five Big Ideas of teaching for mastery. This ensures that children have a deep understanding of concepts before progressing onto new learning.

Mathematics is a highly connected subject; each piece of learning influences the next. The mathematics curriculum should be taught through a mastery approach, not moving quickly through content but exploring deeply the links between the maths. This is achieved through a thorough decomposition of each composite element of the curriculum into specific components; by doing this, it enables each piece of knowledge to be mastered, ready for children to move onto the next area of learning. Concepts are revisited, in line with our recall pillar, through starter activities in the EYFS and through maths meetings in KS1 and KS2. It is the aim to provide children with a secure foundation, which will enable them to meet the three main aims of the maths curriculum to: work fluently; have the ability to reason mathematically and be able to apply these skills to solve problems.

To support our Maths curriculum we use the White Rose scheme.

Please follow this link for Miss Fahy’s parent/ carer maths workshop: Maths Workshop - YouTube which provides a clear overview of how we teach maths at Orchard Grove as well as giving useful tips to use at home.

To support your child’s Maths learning we recommend the 1 Minute White Rose Maths Apps which can be downloaded here.