Modern Foreign Language (French)

Please find below more information regarding MFL at Orchard Grove Primary School

At Orchard Grove our MFL curriculum develops a genuine interest and curiosity in foreign languages and enables children to recognise the benefit of learning a foreign language. We want to ensure all children develop language skills and knowledge that will open up a wide range of possibilities in further education, jobs and life experiences. Our ultimate aim is that all children will feel willing and able to continue studying languages beyond KS2.  

Our MFL curriculum will enable children to celebrate and welcome differences in our world and understand different languages, countries and cultures. This will enable children to show respect to other cultures and play a valuable part in our global society.  At Orchard Grove we will learn Spanish as it is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world. It will enable our children to engage in conversations as they travel around.

We teach the curriculum in such a way that makes the learning meaningful for children and allows them to make links across the curriculum as well as applying their knowledge and skills to real life situations. 

We are fortunate to work within the Blackdown Education Partnership where we are able to collaborate with subject specialist MFL teachers.