Religious Education

Please find below more information regarding RE at Orchard Grove Primary School

RE is not only a window into other peoples’ views and beliefs but an exploration of our own. Our aim is to develop our pupils’ knowledge and understanding of beliefs and the world around them. In line with British Values, we teach our children to be respectful and tolerate those of different faiths and beliefs and encourage individual liberty.  We provide ambitious enquiry questions which encourage children to reflect and share their own judgements. 

Each term at Orchard Grove we look at a different religion:

Term 1 – Judaism             Term 2 – Hinduism          Term 3 – Buddhism     

Term 4 – Christianity         Term 5 – Islam                Term 6 - Sikhism

In each religion we explore the areas of religious texts, places of worship, religious celebrations, Gods, foods specific to that religion and religious symbols. Different year groups share their particular learning with other year groups in the school at an end of term assembly.

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. Please contact the school regarding this.