
Please find below more information regarding Reading at Orchard Grove Primary School

Reading success for every child is a priority at Orchard Grove. 

Reading is a key life skill that underpins learning in all subjects. Reading supports the development of a wider vocabulary and can support the development of analytical thinking. It can also lead to improved writing skills. We want our children to be confident, fluent readers who enjoy reading. 

At Orchard Grove all of our children are taught strategies to decode new words and read fluently with good understanding. We prioritise early phonics skills from Nursery onwards to ensure that reading is not a barrier on children’s learning. In Reception and KS1 we use Little Wandle – Letters and Sounds. Robust and regular assessment and intervention ensure that our children meet our ambitious expectations. 

Children are exposed to high quality, engaging texts in their classrooms through story time, more structured reading lessons and with access to the reading corner. Emphasis is placed on reading beginning in Nursery with the sharing and enjoyment of quality stories and early phonics skills. 

At Orchard Grove, we want our children to enjoy reading and also understand the importance of the skill to unlock other areas of the curriculum. We want our children to read a range of texts and to seek out new authors and genre

Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) reading strategy outlines how we provide children with the tools they need to learn how to read:


Our reading skills, beginning in the EYFS and developing throughout KS1 and KS2, outline the skills children develop to understand what they are reading:

Retrieval – extracting information from the text

Inferring – using clues in the text or from own life experiences to understand what has been written

Predicting – using clues or evidence in the text to anticipate what will happen next

Summarising – being able to give a brief recollection or account of what has been read

Skimming – a reading technique to give an idea of what a full text is about

Scanning – a reading technique to help find specific information within a text

Please follow this link for Miss Fahy’s parent/ carer reading workshop:

Reading Workshop - YouTube which provides a clear overview of how we teach reading at Orchard Grove as well as giving useful tips to use at home.


At Orchard Grove we are passionate about ensuring all children become confident and enthusiastic readers and writers. We believe that phonics provides the foundations of learning to make the development into fluent reading and writing easier. Through phonics children learn to segment words to support their spelling ability and blend sounds to read words.  

We follow the Little Wandle programme to ensure that our phonics system is well-organised and use the skills of staff to tailor this to meet the needs of all children. Phonetic knowledge is taught directly through phonics lessons and when children are heard read. Teachers are ambitious in their expectations of the sounds and words children should be able to read by the end of each term.

Please follow this link for Miss Fahy’s parent/ carer phonics workshop:

Phonics Workshop - YouTube which provides a clear overview of how we teach phonics at Orchard Grove as well as giving useful tips to use at home.