
Please find below more information regarding Science at Orchard Grove Primary School

“Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein

Science at Orchard Grove is about giving children the tools to develop their ideas and ways of working, whilst also understanding the world in which they live. We want our children to be scientists within their science lessons, whilst also making STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) links into the wider curriculum and their everyday lives. We want the children to love science, to remember the concepts they have learnt and to utilise this knowledge and vocabulary to understand the world they live in and how it works. Children at Orchard Grove are taught our science curriculum in a carefully structured order to ensure that they are developing their scientific knowledge and their understanding of working scientifically, whilst expanding on their ever-growing vocabulary.

Each topic has been specifically chosen to further develop children’s knowledge of how biology, physics and chemistry is intricately woven throughout their world. Year groups progress through nature, processes and methods of science and then get opportunities to look at these concepts in their own world, such as materials, Earth and space and animals including humans. Each topic is framed with an enquiry and include questions that challenge stereotypical misconceptions in science. This therefore prepares children to ask investigative questions, think critically, weigh evidence and draw conclusions to help answer and understand scientific lines of enquiry.


Below highlights the different areas of STEM learning children experience at Orchard Grove and the process they go through when being STEM engineers: